Useful Publishing and Creative Writing Blogs
Another decent sized list of publishing and creative writing resources for writers. These are not YA-specific though. I'll add this to my...
Useful Publishing and Creative Writing Blogs
Podcasts! For Your Horror Needs
How Gothic Horror has Shaped Contemporary Writing
Analog Horror Videos and ARGs: A Journey into the Unsettling World of Interactive Storytelling
I Now Have A Substack: Join Me There!
[Movie] Lamb (2021) - Iceland | Directed by Valdimar Jóhannsson
The Online Writing Workshop (OWW): A Haven for Speculative Writers
Show Recs, and General Thoughts About Twitter
YA Short Fiction Recommendations (#1)
Young Adult Markets and Blogs
Podcast Recommendation: The HP Lovecraft Literary Podcast
A Sizeable Cool Link Roundup
Podcast Recommendation: We're Alive